Copies of all exhibits must be electronically scanned and assembled hard-copy into binders. The parties must jointly produce one set of binders and one flash drive for the court containing all the parties’ exhibits, unless excused for good cause. The exhibits must be identified by number (not letter). The exhibits must be separated by dividers within the binders and separately identified by number when saved in electronic format (PDF). The parties may cooperate to create an appropriate numbering scheme—e.g., plaintiff taking numbers 1-100, and separate defense exhibits starting at 101-200—or preferably the parties will cooperate to create a joint exhibit list, appreciating that objections have been preserved, so that the court has but one set of exhibit binders. The parties ideally have created this numbering system at the beginning of the case so that exhibits in deposition correspond to exhibit designations at trial. The trial exhibit binders and flash drive must be provided to court chambers the Wednesday before the trial by 5:00 p.m.
Each side must prepare a list of its exhibits and submit this list of exhibits to the courtroom case manager the Wednesday before trial by 5:00 p.m. An additional binder of exhibits and flash drive need not be prepared for the courtroom case manager.
The court strongly encourages parties to prepare and exchange demonstrative and illustrative exhibits before the final pretrial conference, consistent with the schedule for other exhibits so there is enough time for the parties to formulate objections for the court to address these issues at the conference. However, appreciating that these exhibits often are not finalized until the eve of trial, the court orders these exhibits to be submitted in binders and electronically with the remainder of exhibits to court chambers the Wednesday before trial by 5:00 p.m. Objections to demonstrative exhibits must be filed with the court the Thursday before trial by noon. Additional or modified demonstrative exhibits will not be allowed at trial absent good cause.