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Judge Theresa Lazar Springmann: Motions in Limine

Motions in limine must be filed in writing with supporting authorities by the time of the Final Pretrial Conference. The Court prefers that all requests for the exclusion of evidence at trial be included in a single motion in limine. If a request requires extensive analysis, counsel should file an accompanying brief.

Rulings on motions in limine are preliminary. Judge Theresa Lazar Springmann will not grant a motion in limine unless the moving party faces a significant risk of irreparable harm if the motion is not granted (if, in other words, the moving party must rely on an in-trial objection to evidence believed to be inadmissible). The motion must clearly identify what evidence would be excluded. A motion in limine should indicate why the movant thinks the targeted evidence might be offered, why the movant believes the targeted evidence will be inadmissible, and what injury the movant risks if an in-trial objection is required.

The Court may set an expedited briefing schedule and a telephonic ruling conference on the motions to allow for ruling before the trial.

Judge Theresa Lazar Springmann's rulings on motions in limine are not final rulings on the admissibility of evidence. The rulings simply require that the topic be discussed again outside the jury's hearing before the jury hears anything about the precluded evidence.