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General Orders

Number Date Filedsort ascending Description
2005-03 06/13/2005 Privacy and Public Access to Civil Electronic Case Files
2005-02 03/07/2005 Order appointing Merit Selection Panel to consider reappointments of Roger Cosbey and Andrew Rodovich as full-time magistrate judges
2005-01 02/17/2005 Designation and Assignment of Honorable Allen Sharp for Service in the U.S. Court of Appeals, 6th Circuit
2004-19 11/08/2004 Filing of Documents Under Seal
2004-21 10/21/2004 Designation of James T. Moody as Senior Judge for 2005
2004-20 10/21/2004 Designation of William C. Lee as Senior Judge for 2005
2004-14 09/28/2004 Order Approving South Bend CJA Panel Members (superseded by 2005-7)
2004-13 09/20/2004 Order approving Fort Wayne CJA Panel Members (superseded by 2005-16)
2004-12 09/13/2004 Rules of Practice
2004-06 06/14/2004 General Order Concerning Case Management
