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General Orders

Number Date Filedsort ascending Description
2007-12 08/29/2007 Amended Criminal Justice Act Plan
2007-13 08/21/2007 Designation and and Reappointment of Magistrate Judge Christopher A. Nuechterlein
2007-09 07/25/2007 Order In Re: Release of Pretrial Service Reports to Attorneys
2007-08A 07/19/2007 Order Amending Existing Collateral Schedule and to Adopt Amended Collateral Schedule
2007-07 06/11/2007 Order approving South Bend CJA Panel Members (superseded by 2008-5)
2007-03 05/01/2007 Order Appointing Merit Selection Panel In the Matter of the Designation and Reappointment of Magistrate Judge Christopher A. Nuechterlein
2007-05 04/23/2007 Referral of Proceedings Supplemental to Magistrate Judge
2007-02 04/23/2007 Utilization of United States Magistrate in Ancillary Proceedings
2007-01A 04/11/2007 Order granting Motion to Rescind Existing Collateral Schedule and to Adopt New Collateral Schedule
2006-18 12/13/2006 CJA Training Panel Program
