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General Orders

Numbersort descending Date Filed Description
2018-10 06/28/2018 Application for Exemption from Electronic Public Access Fees by Jeffrey Gutman
2018-11 06/28/2018 Order Granting Merit Selection Panel Additional Time
2018-12 08/20/2018 Application for Exemption from Electronic Public Access Fees by Robert B. Dunham on behalf of Death Penalty Information Center
2018-13 08/27/2018 Order Disbanding Procurement Committee (rescinds 2017-2)
2018-14 09/04/2018 Civil Case Assignment (amends 2017-4 and 2018-2)
2018-14A 09/20/2018 Civil Case Assignment (amends 2017-4, 2018-2 and 2018-14)
2018-15 09/24/2018 Guidance on Record Requests from InMates of the Bureau of Prisons
2018-16 09/27/2018 Application for Exemption from Electronic Public Access Fees by Sudha Mani
2018-17 10/18/2018 South Bend CJA Panel Members (supersedes 2017-8)
2018-18 10/22/2018 South Bend CJA Panel Members Supplemental Order (modifies Groups B & C as listed in 2018-17)
