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General Orders

Numbersort ascending Date Filed Description
2024-34 11/22/2024 Hammond CJA Panel Members
2024-33 11/22/2024 Electronic Filing Unavailable During Upgrade (CM/ECF)
2024-32 11/19/2024 Application for Exemption from the Electronic Public Access Fees By Charlotte Alexander
2024-31 11/15/2024 Fort Wayne CJA Panel Members
2024-30 11/08/2024 Application for Exemption from the Electronic Public Access Fees By Kelsee Jaro
2024-29 09/18/2024 Assignment of Civil Cases (supersedes 2024-28)
2024-28 08/30/2024 Assignment of Civil Cases (supersedes 2024-19)
2024-27 08/30/2024 Assignment of Social Security Appeal Civil Cases (supersedes 2024-18)
2024-26 08/29/2024 Application for Exemption from the Electronic Public Access Fees By Nathan Hermann
2024-25 08/26/2024 South Bend CJA Panel Members
